J'ai tendance à utiliser ce code...
'GetDataSet error columns...
const C_ERROR = "ERROR" 'Used when an error is generated - to be fed to the comsuming routine
const C_NO_DATA = "NO_DATA" 'Used when no data is returned to a consuming routine
const C_COL_ERROR_ID = 1
const C_COL_SQL = 3
' Returns a table of data based on the supplied SQL statement and connection string.
' sqlString (string) - The SQL string to be sent.
' connString (string) - The database connection string.
' dataSet = GetDataSet(sqlString, connString)
' This function generates a table of information in a 2 dimensional array. The first dimension represents the columns
' and the second the rows. If an error occurs while the routine is executing the array and the base index (0,0) is set
' to C_ERROR, (0,1) to the VBScript error index, and (0,2) to the VBScript error description.
function GetDataSet(sqlString, connString)
dim returnVal, rsData
on error resume next
'Define and open the recordset object...
set rsData = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet")
rsData.Open sqlString, connString, 0, 1, 1
'Initialise an empty value for the containing array...
redim returnVal(0,0)
returnVal(0,0) = C_NO_DATA
'Deal with any errors...
if not rsData.EOF and not rsData.BOF then
'Store the data...
returnVal = rsData.GetRows()
select case err.number
case 3021 'No data returned
'Do nothing as the initial value will still exist (C_NO_DATA)
case 0 'No error
'Do nothing as data has been returned
case else
redim returnVal(4,0)
returnVal(C_COL_ERROR_ID,0) = err.number
returnVal(C_COL_ERROR_MESSAGE,0) = err.description
returnVal(C_COL_SQL,0) = sqlString
returnVal(C_COL_CONNECTION,0) = connString
end select
end if
'Tidy up...
set rsData = nothing
on error goto 0
'Return the array...
GetDataSet = returnVal
end function
Pour obtenir mes ensembles de données. Il renvoie un tableau que vous pouvez manier (ermm ... woman-handle ?) comme vous le souhaitez.
S'il y a une erreur, les détails sont retournés dans les éléments appropriés du tableau.