 sql >> Base de données >  >> RDS >> Mysql

Obtenir les résultats de la procédure stockée mySQL dans une autre procédure stockée

Il semble (selon cette communauté et parce que je n'ai trouvé aucun exemple de procédures stockées utilisant des ensembles de résultats d'autres procédures stockées en tant que tables dans de nouvelles tables de sélection) que mysql ne le supporte pas ou qu'il est ridiculement difficile de faire ce que je espérait faire.

Ainsi, plutôt que d'appeler des procédures stockées, j'ai copié les requêtes dans cette procédure finale.


    CREATE DEFINER=`root`@`localhost` PROCEDURE `get_team_stats_change`(
        IN team_id INT
    SELECT SUM(start_weight) AS start_weight, 
        SUM(start_body_fat) AS start_body_fat, 
        SUM(current_weight) AS current_weight,
        SUM(current_body_fat) AS current_body_fat,
        SUM(weight_change) AS weight_change, 
        SUM(body_fat_change) AS body_fat_change FROM (
    SELECT ls.person_id, 
        fs.weight AS start_weight, fs.body_fat AS start_body_fat, 
        ls.weight AS current_weight, ls.body_fat AS current_body_fat,
        fs.weight - ls.weight AS weight_change, fs.body_fat - ls.body_fat AS body_fat_change
    (SELECT ttd.person_id, bs.weight, bs.body_fat, bs.test_date
    FROM body_stats AS bs
        ((SELECT pbs.person_id,  min(bs.test_date)  AS first_test, max(bs.test_date) AS last_test   
        FROM body_stats AS bs,
            person_body_stats AS pbs,
            team_member AS tm,
            team AS t
        WHERE t.team_id = team_id
        AND tm.team_id = t.team_id
        AND tm.person_id = pbs.person_id
        AND pbs.body_stats_id = bs.body_stats_id
        AND tm.start_date  bs.test_date
        AND bs.test_date >= t.starting_date
        GROUP BY person_id) AS ttd,
        person_body_stats AS pbs)
    ON bs.test_date = ttd.first_test 
        AND pbs.person_id = ttd.person_id 
        AND pbs.body_stats_id = bs.body_stats_id) AS fs,

    (SELECT ttd.person_id, bs.weight, bs.body_fat, bs.test_date
    FROM body_stats AS bs
        ((SELECT pbs.person_id,  min(bs.test_date)  AS first_test, max(bs.test_date) AS last_test   
        FROM body_stats AS bs,
            person_body_stats AS pbs,
            team_member AS tm,
            team AS t
        WHERE t.team_id = team_id
        AND tm.team_id = t.team_id
        AND tm.person_id = pbs.person_id
        AND pbs.body_stats_id = bs.body_stats_id
        AND tm.start_date  bs.test_date
        AND bs.test_date >= t.starting_date
        GROUP BY person_id) AS ttd,
        person_body_stats AS pbs)
    ON bs.test_date = ttd.last_test 
        AND pbs.person_id = ttd.person_id 
        AND pbs.body_stats_id = bs.body_stats_id) AS ls
        WHERE ls.person_id = fs.person_id
       ) AS delta;