Cela devrait le faire. Ne fonctionnera pas dans mysql 5.7 car les CTE récursifs n'ont été inclus que plus tard, mais cela vous permettra d'avoir un nombre variable d'attributs et de valeurs d'attributs par group_id. Le violon est ici .
with recursive allAtts as (
/* Get our attribute list, and format it if we want; concat(a.title, ':', v.title) looks quite nice */
CONCAT(v.title) as attDesc,
dense_rank() over (partition by att.group_id order by att.id) as attRank
FROM table_attributes att
INNER JOIN table_attribute_values v
ON v.group_id = att.group_id
AND v.attribute_id = att.id
cte as (
/* Recursively build our attribute list, assuming ranks are sequential and we properly linked our group_ids */
select group_id, id, attDesc, attRank from allAtts WHERE attRank = 1
union all
concat_ws('-', cte.attDesc, allAtts.attDesc) as attDesc,
from cte
join allAtts ON allAtts.attRank = cte.attRank +1
AND cte.group_id = allAtts.group_id
/* Our actual select statement, which RIGHT JOINs against the table_groups
so we don't lose entries w/o attributes */
concat_ws('-', d.day, qty.quantity, cte.attDesc) as combinations
from cte
inner join (select group_id, max(attRank) as attID
from cte
group by group_id) m on cte.group_id = m.group_id and m.attID = cte.attrank
RIGHT JOIN table_groups grp ON grp.id = cte.group_id
LEFT JOIN table_days d on grp.id = d.group_id
LEFT JOIN table_quantities qty on grp.id = qty.group_id;