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Mysql pour sélectionner l'enregistrement mensuel même si les données n'existent pas

Je ne dirai pas grand-chose sur l'efficacité car je ne l'ai pas testé par rapport à d'autres méthodes, mais sans avoir de table temporaire, cela semble être une bonne solution.

   SELECT COUNT(u.userID) AS total, m.month
     FROM (
           SELECT 'Jan' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Feb' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Mar' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Apr' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'May' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Jun' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Jul' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Aug' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Sep' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Oct' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Nov' AS MONTH
           UNION SELECT 'Dec' AS MONTH
          ) AS m
LEFT JOIN users u 
ON MONTH(STR_TO_DATE(CONCAT(m.month, ' 2013'),'%M %Y')) = MONTH(u.userRegistredDate)
   AND YEAR(u.userRegistredDate) = '2013'
GROUP BY m.month

Si vous effectuez l'union en fonction d'un format de date, vous pouvez même réduire le travail et la charge de la requête.

   SELECT COUNT(u.userID) AS total, DATE_FORMAT(merge_date,'%b') AS month, YEAR(m.merge_date) AS year
     FROM (
           SELECT '2013-01-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-02-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-03-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-04-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-05-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-06-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-07-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-08-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-09-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-10-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-11-01' AS merge_date
           UNION SELECT '2013-12-01' AS merge_date
          ) AS m
LEFT JOIN users u 
       ON MONTH(m.merge_date) = MONTH(u.userRegistredDate)
          AND YEAR(m.merge_date) = YEAR(u.userRegistredDate)
GROUP BY m.merge_date

DEMO en direct des deux requêtes.