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Utiliser Excel 2010 pour lire/écrire dans une base de données SQL Server 2008 à l'aide de procédures stockées

J'ai fini par adopter cette approche en utilisant l'authentification AD. J'ai utilisé l'exemple de cet article pour m'inspirer :http://www.eggheadcafe.com/community/sql-server/13/10141669/using-excel-to-update-data-on-ms-sql-tables .aspx

Notez que ces fonctions résident dans différentes zones du classeur Excel (objets, modules, ce classeur), mais voici une référence rapide.

J'ai également chacune des colonnes qui valident FK par rapport aux tables auxquelles elles font référence.

Voici quelques exemples de code :

Public aCon As New ADODB.Connection
Public aCmd As New ADODB.Command

Private Sub Workbook_Open()
  Application.EnableEvents = False
  Application.EnableEvents = True
End Sub

Sub Connect()
  Dim sConn As String
  sConn = "Provider=SQLOLEDB;Trusted_Connection=Yes;Server=[SVR];Database=[DB]"
  With aCon
    .ConnectionString = sConn
    .CursorLocation = adUseClient
  End With
End Sub

Sub BuildProcs()
  With aCmd
    .ActiveConnection = aCon
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    .CommandText = "[SPROC]"
    .Parameters.Append .CreateParameter("@in_EmployeeID", adInteger, adParamInput)
  End With

End Sub

Sub PopulateSheet()
  Dim n As Integer, r As Long

  Dim aCmdFetchEmployees As New ADODB.Command
  Dim aRstEmployees As New ADODB.Recordset

  If aCon.State = adStateClosed Then Connect

  With aCmdFetchEmployees
    .ActiveConnection = aCon
    .CommandType = adCmdStoredProc
    .CommandText = "[SPROC]"
    Set aRstEmployees = .Execute
  End With
  r = aRstEmployees.RecordCount

  Application.ScreenUpdating = False
  Cells(2, 1).CopyFromRecordset aRstEmployees

  For n = 1 To aRstEmployees.Fields.Count
    Cells(1, n) = aRstEmployees(n - 1).Name
    Cells(1, n).EntireColumn.AutoFit
  Cells(1).EntireColumn.Hidden = True
End Sub

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
  Dim cell As Range
  If aCon.State = adStateClosed Then Connect
    With aCmd
      .Parameters(0) = Cells(Target.Row, 1)
      .Parameters(1) = Cells(Target.Row, 4)
      .Parameters(2) = Cells(Target.Row, 5)
      .Parameters(3) = Cells(Target.Row, 6)
      .Parameters(4) = Cells(Target.Row, 7)
      .Parameters(5) = Cells(Target.Row, 8)
      .Parameters(6) = Cells(Target.Row, 10)
      .Parameters(7) = Cells(Target.Row, 11)
      .Parameters(8) = Cells(Target.Row, 12)
      .Parameters(9) = Cells(Target.Row, 13)
      .Parameters(10) = Cells(Target.Row, 14)
      .Parameters(11) = Cells(Target.Row, 15)
      .Parameters(12) = Cells(Target.Row, 16)
      .Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords
    End With

End Sub