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Comment reprendre un MongoDB ChangeStream au premier document et pas seulement des changements après avoir commencé à écouter

J'ai mis à jour la question avec des informations supplémentaires au fur et à mesure que j'y travaillais, et j'ai réussi à la reconstituer complètement maintenant, de sorte qu'elle fonctionne.

Vous trouverez ci-dessous le code que j'ai créé pour :

  1. Rechercher la première entrée d'un espace de noms dans la collection local.oplog
  2. Générez un ResumeToken à partir de ce document oplog (donc nous reprenons à la deuxième entrée)
  3. Exemple pour tester ces fonctions.

Espérons que ce code sera bénéfique pour les autres qui tentent de faire de même.

/// <summary>
/// Locates the first document for the given namespace in the local.oplog collection
/// </summary>
/// <param name="docNamespace">Namespace to search for</param>
/// <returns>First Document found in the local.oplog collection for the specified namespace</returns>
internal static BsonDocument GetFirstDocumentFromOpLog(string docNamespace)
    mongoClient = mongoClient ?? new MongoClient(ConnectionString);  //Create client object if it is null
    IMongoDatabase localDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("local");
    var collection = localDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("");

    //Find the documents from the specified namespace (DatabaseName.CollectionName), that have an operation type of "insert" (The first entry to a collection must always be an insert)
    var filter = MongoDB.Bson.Serialization.BsonSerializer.Deserialize<BsonDocument>("{ $and: [ { 'ns': '" + docNamespace + "'}, { 'op': 'i'}] }");

    BsonDocument retDoc = null;
    try //to get the first document from the oplog entries
        retDoc = collection.Find<BsonDocument>(filter).First();
    catch(Exception ex) { /*Logger.WriteException(ex);*/ }
    return retDoc;

/// <summary>
/// Takes a document from the OpLog and generates a ResumeToken
/// </summary>
/// <param name="firstDoc">BsonDocument from the local.oplog collection to base the ResumeToken on</param>
/// <returns>A ResumeToken that can be provided to a collection watch (ChangeStream) that points to the firstDoc provided</returns>
private static BsonDocument GetResumeTokenFromOpLogDoc(BsonDocument firstDoc)
    List<byte> hexVal = new List<byte>(34);

    //Insert Timestamp of document
    hexVal.Add(0x82);   //TimeStamp Tag
    byte[] docTimeStampByteArr = BitConverter.GetBytes(firstDoc["ts"].AsBsonTimestamp.Timestamp); //Timestamp is an integer, so we need to reverse it
    if (BitConverter.IsLittleEndian) { Array.Reverse(docTimeStampByteArr); }

    //Expecting UInt64, so make sure we added 8 bytes (likely only added 4)
    hexVal.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x00, 0x00, 0x00, 0x01 }); //Not sure why the last bytes is a 0x01, but it was present in observed ResumeTokens

    //Unknown Object observed in a ResumeToken
    //0x46 = CType::Object, followed by the string "d_id" NULL
    //This may be something that identifies that the following value is for the "_id" field of the ObjectID given next
    hexVal.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x46, 0x64, 0x5F, 0x69, 0x64, 0x00 }); //Unknown Object, expected to be 32 bits, with a 0x00 terminator

    //Insert OID (from 0._id.ObjectID)
    hexVal.Add(0x64);   //OID Tag
    byte[] docByteArr = firstDoc["o"]["_id"].AsObjectId.ToByteArray();
    hexVal.Add(0x00);   //End of OID

    //Insert UUID (from ui) as BinData
    hexVal.AddRange(new byte[] { 0x5a, 0x10, 0x04 });   //0x5A = BinData, 0x10 is Length (16 bytes), 0x04 is BinDataType (newUUID)

    hexVal.Add(0x04);   //Unknown marker (maybe end of resumeToken since 0x04 == ASCII 'EOT')

    //Package the binary data into a BsonDocument with the key "_data" and the value as a Base64 encoded string
    BsonDocument retDoc = new BsonDocument("_data", new BsonBinaryData(hexVal.ToArray()));
    return retDoc;

/// <summary>
/// Example Code for setting up and resuming to the second doc
/// </summary>
internal static void MonitorChangeStream()
    mongoClient = mongoClient ?? new MongoClient(ConnectionString);  //Create client object if it is null
    IMongoDatabase sandboxDB = mongoClient.GetDatabase("SandboxDB");
    var collection = sandboxDB.GetCollection<BsonDocument>("CollectionToMonitor");

    var options = new ChangeStreamOptions();
    options.FullDocument = ChangeStreamFullDocumentOption.UpdateLookup;

        var pipeline = new EmptyPipelineDefinition<ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument>>().Match("{ operationType: { $in: [ 'replace', 'insert', 'update' ] } }");  //Works

        //Build ResumeToken from the first document in the oplog collection
        BsonDocument resumeTokenRefDoc = GetFirstDocumentFromOpLog(collection.CollectionNamespace.ToString());
        if (resumeTokenRefDoc != null)
            BsonDocument docResumeToken = GetResumeTokenFromOpLogDoc(resumeTokenRefDoc);
            options.ResumeAfter = docResumeToken;

        //Setup the ChangeStream/Watch Cursor
        var cursor = collection.Watch(pipeline, options);
        var enumerator = cursor.ToEnumerable().GetEnumerator();

        enumerator.MoveNext();  //Blocks until a record is UPDATEd, REPLACEd or INSERTed in the database (thanks to the pipeline arg), or returns the second entry (thanks to the ResumeToken that points to the first entry)

        ChangeStreamDocument<BsonDocument> lastChangeStreamDocument = enumerator.Current;
        //lastChangeStreamDocument is now pointing to the second entry in the oplog, or the just received entry
        //A loop can be setup to call enumerator.MoveNext() to step through each entry in the oplog history and to also receive new events

        enumerator.Dispose();   //Be sure to dispose of the enumerator when finished.
    catch( Exception ex)

Si quelqu'un a des suggestions sur l'amélioration du code, merci de proposer des suggestions. J'apprends encore.