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Séparer les données d'un fichier constamment ajouté dans un nouveau fichier

Au lieu d'utiliser une macro pour exporter le tableau, vous pouvez simplement créer du code pour ouvrir le fichier et y ajouter les données.

Comment utiliser

Copiez simplement le code dans un module VBA de votre application et appelez-le comme ceci :

' Export the Table "Orders" to "orders.csv", appending the data to the       '
' existing file if there is one.                                             '
ExportQueryToCSV "Orders", "C:\orders.csv", AppendToFile:=True

' Export the result of the query to "stock.csv" using tabs as delimiters     '
' and no header or quotes around strings                                     '
ExportQueryToCSV "SELECT * FROM Stock WHERE PartID=2", _
                 "C:\stock.csv", _
                 AppendToFile:=False, _
                 IncludeHeader:=False, _
                 Delimiter:=chr(9), _


' Export the given query to the given CSV file.                              '
'                                                                            '
' Options are:                                                               '
' - AppendToFile : to append the record to the file if it exists instead of  ' 
'                  overwriting it (default is false)                         '
' - Delimiter    : what separator to use (default is the coma)               '
' - QuoteString  : Whether string and memo fields should be quoted           '
'                  (default yes)                                             '
' - IncludeHeader: Whether a header with the field names should be the first '
'                  line (default no)                                         '
' Some limitations and improvements:                                         '
' - Memo containing line returns will break the CSV                          '
' - better formatting for numbers, dates, etc                                '
Public Sub ExportQueryToCSV(Query As String, _
                            FilePath As String, _
                            Optional AppendToFile As Boolean = False, _
                            Optional Delimiter As String = ",", _
                            Optional QuoteStrings As Boolean = True, _
                            Optional IncludeHeader As Boolean = True)
    Dim db As DAO.Database
    Dim rs As DAO.RecordSet

    Set db = CurrentDb
    Set rs = db.OpenRecordset(Query, dbOpenSnapshot)
    If Not (rs Is Nothing) Then
        Dim intFile As Integer

        ' Open the file, either as a new file or in append mode as required '
        intFile = FreeFile()
        If AppendToFile And (Len(Dir(FilePath, vbNormal)) > 0) Then
            Open FilePath For Append As #intFile
            Open FilePath For Output As #intFile
        End If

        With rs
            Dim fieldbound As Long, i As Long
            Dim record As String
            Dim field As DAO.field

            fieldbound = .Fields.count - 1

            ' Print the header if required '
            If IncludeHeader Then
                Dim header As String
                For i = 0 To fieldbound
                    header = header & .Fields(i).Name
                    If i < fieldbound Then
                        header = header & Delimiter
                    End If
                Next i
                Print #intFile, header
            End If

            ' print each record'
            Do While Not .EOF
                record = ""
                For i = 0 To fieldbound
                    Set field = .Fields(i)
                    If ((field.Type = dbText) Or (field.Type = dbMemo)) And QuoteStrings Then
                        record = record & """" & Nz(.Fields(i).value, "") & """"
                        record = record & Nz(.Fields(i).value)
                    End If
                    If i < fieldbound Then
                        record = record & Delimiter
                    End If
                    Set field = Nothing
                Next i
                Print #intFile, record
        End With
        Set rs = Nothing
        Close #intFile
    End If
    Set rs = Nothing
    Set db = Nothing
End Sub

Notez que ce n'est pas parfait et que vous devrez peut-être adapter le code pour refléter la façon dont vous souhaitez que les données soient formatées, mais les valeurs par défaut devraient convenir dans la plupart des cas.