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SQL Server 2005 - Row_Number()

ORDER BY dans ROW_NUMBER clause ne garantit pas l'ordre du jeu de résultats.

ROW_NUMBER utilise généralement le tri dans le plan de requête, ce qui entraîne le fait que les valeurs sortent pré-triées.

Il s'agit d'un effet secondaire et il ne faut pas s'y fier.

DISTINCT utilise Hash Match (Aggregate) qui interrompt le tri.

Ajouter ORDER BY clause à la fin de la requête :

SELECT  DISTINCT (ID), State_Id, Name_Of_Trip, Date_Of_Travel, Creation_Date, Locking_Id, Applicant_Name, Reference_Number, State_Name
FROM    (
        SELECT  app.ID, app.State_Id, app.Name_Of_Trip, app.Date_Of_Travel,
                app.Creation_Date, app.Locking_Id, app.Applicant_Name, app.Reference_Number, 
                State.Name AS State_Name, ROW_NUMBER() OVER(ORDER BY Reference_Number DESC) as rowNum  
        FROM    Application_Leg AS app 
        INNER JOIN
                State AS state 
        ON      app.State_Id = state.ID
        WHERE   app.State_Id IN (5, 6, 8)
                AND app.Organisation_Id = 12 
                AND Leg_Number IN
                SELECT  Leg_Number 
                FROM    Application_Leg as al
                INNER JOIN
                        Organisation as org
                ON      al.Organisation_Id = org.ID
                WHERE   al.ID = app.ID
                        AND org.Approval_Required = 1
                        AND Mode_Of_Transport = 1
        ) AS pagedApplications
WHERE   rowNum BETWEEN 0 AND (0 + 10)
        ReferenceNumber DESC

Notez également qu'il ne renverra pas 10 des résultats distincts, il renverra DISTINCT des premiers 10 résultats.

Si vous voulez le premier, utilisez ceci :

SELECT  DISTINCT TOP 10 ID, State_Id, Name_Of_Trip, Date_Of_Travel, Creation_Date, Locking_Id, Applicant_Name, Reference_Number, State_Name
FROM    (
        SELECT  app.ID, app.State_Id, app.Name_Of_Trip, app.Date_Of_Travel,
                app.Creation_Date, app.Locking_Id, app.Applicant_Name, app.Reference_Number, 
                State.Name AS State_Name
        FROM    Application_Leg AS app 
        INNER JOIN
                State AS state 
        ON      app.State_Id = state.ID
        WHERE   app.State_Id IN (5, 6, 8)
                AND app.Organisation_Id = 12 
                AND EXISTS
                SELECT  Leg_Number 
                FROM    Application_Leg AS al
                INNER JOIN
                        Organisation as org
                ON      al.Organisation_Id = org.ID
                WHERE   al.ID = app.ID
                        AND al.LegNumber = app.LegNumber
                        AND org.Approval_Required = 1
                        AND Mode_Of_Transport = 1
        ) AS pagedApplications
        ReferenceNumber DESC